Google Removal Tool

Google Removal Tool - Google can normally take away content from the search results automatically once they see the content has been removed or altered on the originating web site. this could take every week or 2, it all depends on how typically they check the web site for updates.

Sites like are updated within the search results fairly often. However, your friends obscure blog might solely be visited once each few weeks by the Google bots.

You can use the removal tool to expedite this removal method, though in most cases you want to 1st take away the content from the initial web site.

There is an choice within the tool to report inappropriate content that seems within the search results when the Safesearch filter is activated.

This option doesn't take away something from the most unfiltered search results.

There are many choices within the tool therefore please scan it carefully:

Google removal tool

google removel toolHas Your Removal Request Been Denied By Google?

Here may be a link to my removal tool troubleshooting guide. except for a fast overview of the foremost common reasons why Google can deny a removal request, see my list below:

You entered the incorrect url into the tool (perhaps of the search results page rather than the particular website)
The page reads “404 page not found” however truly the server is responding with “200 okay” or ” 302 found”
There is a redirect in place and Google can’t confirm the content of the page
You asked the positioning owner to get rid of your name however it (first or second name) still seems on the page somewhere
You contacted Google via one in all their contact forms however they refused your request (these are largely manually reviewed)
You reported a website that contains adult content – best to use the removal tool instead of the “report images” link.

My troubleshooting guide has additional information however additionally be at liberty to explore the links to the proper of this page, there are lots of guides and links to official resources.

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